Bobcat Requirements

Bobcat Requirements

To earn the Bobcat rank the new Cub Scout must do the following:

1. Learn and say the Scout Oath, with help if needed.

The Scout Oath

"On my honor I will do my best

To do my duty to God and my country,

and to obey the Scout Law;

To help other people at all times;

To keep myself phyiscally strong,

mentally awake, and morally straight. "

2. Learn and say the Scout Law, with help if needed.

Scout Law

"A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly

courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful

thrifty, brave, clean and reverent."

3. Show the CUB SCOUT SIGN. Tell what it means.

The two fingers stand for the two points of the Promise-to help other people and to. obey. They look like a wolf's ears ready to listen to Akela. When you say the Scout Oath or the Scout Law, give the Cub Scout sign.

4. Show the CUB SCOUT HANDSHAKE. Tell what it means.

When you shake hands, use your right hand. Put the first fingers along the inside of. your friend's wrist-This means that you are brothers in Cub Scouting and that both of. you help other people and obey the Scout Law.

5. Say the CUB SCOUT MOTTO. Tell what it means.

"Do Your Best"

6. Give the CUB SCOUT SALUTE. Tell what it means.

A salute is a way to show respect. When you salute a leader (either adult or other scout), you show him or her that you respect their position. When you salute the flag, you show that you are proud of your country.

7. With your parent and/or guardian, complete the exercises in the booklet, How to Protect Your Children

from Child Abuse.

The above items are the basic information that ALL Cub Scouts must learn, which is why EVERY Scout who enters into Cub Scouting MUST earn the Bobcat Badge.